Frequently Asked Questions About VIPKid
Got questions about VIPKid? Finding online work is tempting, but is VIPKid really legit?
If working from home and teaching sound appealing to you, you might be wondering if VIPKid is worth it. Especially with so many online teaching companies out there. But, trust me, VIPKid is the real deal. I’ve been with the company for over three years and have no intention of jumping ship.
So if you’ve jumped on the online teaching bandwagon, then read on for answers to some frequently asked questions about VIPKid.
What is VIPKid?
VIPKid is an online company that contracts North American teachers to teach English to kids in China. There are several companies out there that provide a similar service, but VIPKid was one of the first and one of the biggest.
How does it work?
Lessons are prepared for you in the form of PowerPoint-esque presentations. Your “classroom” is a virtual one, think Skype meets Powerpoint, and taught in 25-minute slots. The most popular class times are from 6 pm to 10 pm Beijing time. Based on your location, that could mean very early mornings.
What do I need?
You need a bachelor’s degree, a good internet connection, webcam, headphones, microphone, laptop, and ideally some experience working with kids. It’s also important that you be a native English speaker (from the US or Canada).
Don’t feel like you need to buy anything for your interview. That’s just not fair to you. As long as you have the above requirements and you throw in a few props (whatever you scavenge or make) then you’ll be good to go.
For my interview, I used my Apple headphones, which have an integrated mic, and made a few flashcards I needed for the lesson.
To this day, I teach on my iPad with the same headphones, a set of finger puppets, a whiteboard, and flashcards. I have a minimalist style and it’s worked for me.
How does scheduling work?
The great news is that there are no minimum class slots you need to open. If you can work a ton of hours over the summer, perfect. If you can’t work as much, during the school year, that’s fine too. You decide your hours.
Do I automatically work the slots I can open?
Here’s one of the cons… no. You open slots and parents decide if they want to book you. That means that you may go several weeks or months without seeing your schedule fill up.
Additionally, if you have an inconsistent schedule, it will be more difficult to find regular students that book you week after week. Though some people prefer to open up slots last minute. Those bookings are called short notice classes (they are usually trials) and the benefit is getting paid an additional $2 on top of your base pay. This works for some people who prefer meeting a constant stream of new students. I haven’t had much luck with it.
Do I have to be located in the US?
Not at all. You can teach from anywhere in the world. You do need to be a native English speaker from the US or Canada, but wherever you reside is your business. Obviously, the closer your time zone is to BJT, the better, but VIPKid teachers live all over the globe. I live and teach from Spain.
How much will I get paid?
That depends. Base pay per 25-minute class ranges from $7 to $9. Then, there are several incentives (from $.80 to $4) you can get on top of that amount. In general, you’re looking at getting paid somewhere from $7 to $13 per class (that’s $14 to $26 per hour) once you include your base pay and incentives. Keep in mind that as a new teacher with fewer classes you are looking at the lower end of that scale.
How do I know what my base pay will be?
This is another con. Your base pay is determined during your first interview with the company. This means you’ll be at your greenest and it can lead even the most experienced teachers to receive an offer at the lower end of the base pay range.
My suggestion: prep a ton for that first interview and act like an outgoing, over-the-top teacher. That’s not my teaching style, but you’ve got to play into the VIPKid game. Once you’re hired, you can go back to your personal teaching style. I didn’t realize this at the time and I didn’t know my salary would be determined so early (even before I was offered the job).
What’s the interview process like?
This is one of my biggest gripes about VIPKid. The interview process is intense, overwhelming, inconsistent, and way harder than the actual job. Trust me, if you get hired, it’s a breeze from there.
VIPKid also seems to be oddly selective about who they hire. Saying yes to someone with zero classroom experience, while saying no to a veteran ESL teacher. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen.
Is the job fun?
Yes! I have my ups and downs with VIPKid, but it’s a great way to make money AND interact with kids. The curriculum is intelligently designed, the lessons are made for you, there’s very little prep, and the kids are So. Darn. Cute.
It’s heartwarming to see the progress your students make and their eagerness to come to class. Even with the little ones who have parents in the room, you can feel the support, participation, and excitement.
What ages will I be teaching?
This also depends. There are different levels that you can be certified for and VIPKid states that kids age in range from 4 to 12. However, I’ve seen kids that looked younger and I assume there are kids that are older.
To start off, you are certified in the level that you performed best in during the interview process. Then, after a certain period of time, you are allowed to certify with any adjoining levels (meaning one up or down from the level you already teach). Over time, you can earn certifications for all levels, or just the ones you prefer.
Is it worth it?
Yes! This is extra money you can make from home. Plus the job is easy, fun, and has flexible hours. Going on vacation for a week? Don’t open up slots for those days. Would you like to work in the mornings only? Done. Want to teach the youngest students? Get certified for Pre-VIP.
Is it right for me?
Obviously, this question about VIPKid depends on you and what’s going on in your life. If you have a good internet connection, webcam, microphone, availability during BJT peak times, and love to teach kids, then I would say you’ve found the right place.
Want to apply? Feel free to use referral code JENNI0402 or send along any more questions about VIPKid you might have. I’m happy to help in any way I can.
Keep an eye out for other VIPKid-related posts with more details about the company and the job, like this one, What I Love (and Hate) about VIPKid. If you have any more questions about VIPKid, feel free to ask!