5 (Last-Minute, Family-Friendly!) Online Spanish Christmas Activities
Christmas is only a few days away. And with that comes the dire need to have a few activities up your sleeve to do with your kids at home. Every year Christmas gets a bit more digital -and it’s nice to see the online Spanish Christmas activities that different companies and websites come up with.
Kids can track Santa, videochat, write him (or the Three Wise Men) a letter, take a sneak peek at Santa Claus’ village, and play tons of games.
Whether you’re looking to keep your kids occupied or wanting to spend quality time (while working on your Spanish skills!), these online Spanish Christmas activities are fun, family-friendly, and interactive.
They also make it incredibly easy to keep up your Spanish practice during the holidays.
Online Spanish Christmas Activities

Santa Tracker / Sigue a Papá Noel
First up is Google’s Santa Tracker, one of the most well-known interactive Christmas site, where kids can track Santa as he travels around the globe on December 24th.
What I didn’t realize, however, is that the site is available in Spanish too.
Kids can sign up for a vidocall with Papá Noel and choose from long list of well-made, interactive games. While tracking Santa might be fun to do as a family, the rest of the games are perfect for kids to play on their own. And, of course, it’s all in Spanish!
This link should take you to the Spanish version. In the event it doesn’t, or you would like to change the site to another language, click the circle with three lines in the top left corner, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select your language of choice.
Games, Puzzles, and Coloring Pages
Another platform with tons of online Spanish Christmas activities that kids can do on their own is Árbol ABC. Games include driving Santa’s sleigh and helping the Gingerbread Man escape. There are also a good selection of virtual Christmas-related puzzles and coloring pages.
Write a Virtual Letter / Escribe una Carta Virtual
But, if you’d rather write a letter and haven’t gotten to it this year (and no one would blame you if you haven’t) you can send a quick, virtual letter with el Departamento de Envíos Extraordinarios.
The site allows kids (with the help of their parents) to determine if they’ve been naughty or nice, then write a virtual letter to either Papá Noel or los Reyes Magos, and send it to the North Pole. They’ll even email you back confirming the receipt of your letter.
It’s a pretty cute and interactive site!
Just note, the website requests camera access to snap a picture of your child (and gauge how good they’ve been this year).
El Pueblo de Papá Noel
Remarkably, there is a small town in Finland on the Arctic Circle known as Santa Claus Village. Kids can watch a live webcam of the village, or premade recordings of Papá Noel and his reindeer, in his workshop, or at Mrs. Claus’ House.
While you can change the language so the website is translated into Spanish, just know that in a few of the videos where Santa speaks, it will be in English. The rest of the videos (which are well worth checking out) are mostly tours of the village set to ambient music.
Christmas Carol Karaoke
Finally, round out your Christmas by singing along to some popular villancicos navideños! This is a great activity to spend time together as a family and learn the words (if you don’t know them already) to a mix of classic and modern Christmas hits.

¡Felices Fiestas!
Whatever you’re looking for this year, whether it’s to keep kids busy, spend more quality time together, or a healthy mix of both, one of these online Spanish Christmas activities is sure to work for you and your family.
Want another online Spanish Christmas activity? Try out my Free Download: Digital Spanish Christmas Bingo.