The Best Spanish ABC Songs
It never ceases to amaze me that there isn’t a Spanish ABC song like there is in English. And it always ends up being a stressful hunt to find the right song that complements your teaching style, morning routine, age level of your kids, and their personality. So, I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of Spanish ABC songs on YouTube so you don’t have to. I’ve selected a few and organized them below.

Best Simple, Go-To Morning Routine
Letter name, sound, and object. Super simple. Good for a go-to morning routine.
Best High Energy, Live Action Singer for Younger Kids
This video is great for younger kids. It’s by Patylu, who has a huge selection of songs in Spanish and is worth checking out. Patylu sings a word that starts with each letter of the alphabet and kids shout the letter. There is also a gesture/dance move for each letter that is simple enough for the youngest kids to learn.
Best ABC Song for TPR
Speaking of gestures, I love putting movement to whatever skill I’m teaching, and while this video doesn’t have the best production quality, it’s a great example of giving each letter a gesture to keep kids moving (and remembering) their Spanish ABC’s.
The ‘Catchiest’ Spanish ABC Song (That Even Adults will Sing Along With)
I wouldn’t get sick of listening to this song every day. It’s catchy (in a good way), even for adults.
Best Spanish ABC Song for Older Kids
My husband taught middle school Spanish and he swears by this one. Plus I think most of his students (years later) still have it stuck in their heads. It’s simple, not great on production quality, no animations, just a catchy tune with letter sounds spelled out phonetically. While you’re listening check out the comments section which is rife with Spanish 1 students reminiscing -so you know the song is a hit.
You can also find the same song with more kid-friendly animations (but no phonetic sound spellings) below.
Best Kids’ Show Spanish ABC Song
Cleo y Cuquin help kids learn the alphabet with this adorable animated song. It’s my favorite of all the popular kids’ show Spanish ABC songs.
For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it follows Cleo and Cuquin as they problem-solve and experiment with different professions. You can watch it in Spanish on Netflix.
Best for Student Participation
This video by El Árbol del Español is much calmer than some of the other videos on the list, but it’s great for student output. Kids listen to the song, then repeat after the singer, then progressively sing faster and faster. It’s a great way kids involved! And while it’s primarily for younger kids, it’s not overly childish, so you might be able to use it with older elementary students as well.
Best for Any Age Group (Even Adults)
My final selection is pretty minimalistic, to the point, and not childish in any way. Letter, word, and picture – plus plenty of opportunities for repetition make it great for any age group.

These are all great choices to help bilingual kiddos with letter-sound recognition and to help Spanish learners with pronunciation. Best of luck in your search for the perfect Spanish ABC song for your little ones! Can you think of any other Spanish ABC songs that should be added to this list?
For more Spanish letter work check out this post on Spanish vowels.